Finally I'm officially 17 now ,Happy Birthday to myself :) I celebrated da day w/ my beloved P5A classmates :D
It was da last day of trial exam too hoorayy!!After school dismissed,we headed FUJI which located opposite pcghs to have our lunch.I was kinda suprise for da cake !Thanks ya'll :')
After lunch,we went YouthPark and have fun there.It was really an unforgetable memories to me.Glad that all of us enjoyed much although it was a tiring day :)
@Youth Park
PueyPing aka Stomach and I :)
ShinYin aka PY and I :)
Dar YY and I :D
JiaYi aka Gorilla and I :P
KhaiXin and I :)
JinYing aka Stitch and I :)
Wen and I :)
Missing out some people due to my phone battery was almost dead :/
Lastly ,I wanna say thanks to my cute darling yy(b) ,Edlyn and Ah Hwan for da present :D
* erhem stupid blogger doesn't allow me to rotate pics lol -_-
That's all for now.It's about 0919 ,I love my family and friends :)
ps://Thanks for all da wishes in fb or thru msg :) appreciate it muchh !